What should I charge people for an image is a question I get regularly and is clearly something people struggle with! Here is some help resolving this question
So a few points to consider
what did the print cost ?
what did the frame cost ? - The price must be more than 1 and 2 combined
Where is it being used?
Who is the client and what can they afford?
Do I want to sell this as a loss leader?
What price do I feel comfortable with?
Some other factors to consider
If you charge cheap you look cheap A low price can give some clients the impression that you are a poor photographer
You need to value your work
Always sign your image
Always include a link on the back of the frame or with the image that details - image title as this sets a mood for the image - who you are - how you can be contacted - for follow on orders
You have now started earning and this may have tax implications
The key aspect is be proud and pleased that you have reached a point with your work where you are commercially attractive and this you can build on if you wish Take a look at this video from Sean Tucker which reiterates a lot of the points i have raised above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36G3xKe-dCE&ab_channel=SeanTucker