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The Truth is Black & White (with shades of grey) Camera Club Talk Overview

Ian Howard

Updated: 4 days ago

Interested in finding out more about this talk - well here's an overview to outline the aims and the content it offers.

Feedback on this talk has been amazing from clubs across the UK and it remains one of the most popular talks I get asked to deliver.

black and white talk

This post covers - The Truth is Black & White (with shades of grey) Camera Club Talk Overview which will give those of you looking to book this talk an insight as to what to expect. I have found that this talk works exceptionally well face to face and via zoom (or other remote platforms).

The talk was put together after I received so many question during the Street & Architecture talk relating to how I process my Black & White images - there was clearly a desire to explore this area in more depth so I compiled this talk in response.This is aimed at giving a good overview of the theory of Black & White photography along with tips and advice on processing and presenting images. A section showing the journey of several images from the initial RAW image, to the final Black & White version, is always amazingly popular. The various "ideal" Black & White subjects areas are discussed and then we finish with a range of images that explore the various categories. The talk is targeted at experienced and developing photographers alike.

Delivery of this talk on the Camversation platform result in me being invited to produce an article for the Royal Photographic Society Magazine. The RPS Landscape Magazine, issue 15, spring 20205 contains the article I produced for the magazine on post processing. It was a huge honour to be asked to write the article based on this talk.

Duration can be from 90min to 2 hours all depending on the group size and the length of your meetings.

So whats the key Aim:This was put together with the aim of helping people understand the theory of Black & White photography and then ways and methods of harnessing various approaches to deliver strong, dynamic and engaging images with a strong narrative :

Develop your style

Take the images you like

    Be the photographer you want to be

The evening is broken down into the following sections:

  1. Introduction

  2. Setting the aims

  3. Theory of Black & White

  4. Which subjects work in Black & White

  5. Comparison of processing methods

  6. Calibration & Printing

  7. A process flow for producing Black & White conversions

  8. Processing tips & Tricks

  9. Journey of several images from the initial RAW image, to the final Black & White version

  10. Portfolio review based on ideal Black & White subject areas

Each section is evaluated using my experiences and images as a platform for discussion.There are may ways to convert to Black & White and we all have our own methods and styles. The aim is not get get attendees to do it the way I do, but for them to take their own images to the next level, in their own style.

brick lane image
sorento image

Tate modern image

After the talk you will be supplied with a set of hand out slides to distribute to your members, so they have a reference point.

If you are looking for a talk that explores one of the main aspect of photography and delivers inspiration to both established and developing club members then this is an option worth considering.

Need more information or interested in checking availability then either visit the main Talks & Lectures section on the Blog or mail me outlining the talk your interested in and and how I can be of help.

or email me at



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