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Photography Tip of the Week #4

Ian Howard

Updated: Aug 7, 2019

You have your iphone with you all the time - So how can this help with your photography?

5 Essential and FREE iPhone Apps for Photographers

You have access to a wealth of information in the palm of your hand. Your Smart Phone is an incredible piece of technology and as photographers we need to harness this resource to the max.

These 5 Apps are FREE and will act as an essential aid in your photography

1. Lumos

This app will help you track the sun and the moon and their path through the sky.

Using your camera it allows you to see the landscape around you and then overlays the path of either sun or the moon, allowing you to pinpoint the exact point of rise and set. You can also see a helicopter map view of the locations with the rise and set positions indicated, as well as showing you shadow lengths.

Essential for Landscape Photographers. Great for wedding photographers as you can look ahead to see where the sun will be at any given time of the day This is my favourite app of all and i use it constantly

2. YR.No

Weather is an essential aspect of photography and the ability to predict it is a great asset. This App shows you the weather with a visual indication of;

- Sun rise

- Sun set

- Cloud Cover

- Rain

- The times that these will events will happen

3. Lee Stopper

This App is designed for Lee filters but once you know how it relates to your filters it could still be a handy guide.

The app allows you to pick your filter type

ie Little Stopper (6 Stop ND filter)

You enter your exposure time without the filter and using a simple dual rotating dial system the App will give you your required exposure time with the filter in place - So Simple.


How many times have you been somewhere when on holiday or away for the weekend and not had a detailed map?

How many times do we as photographers go to strange out of the way places and still expect a phone signal!

This app allows you to download a regional map and store it on you phone so you don't need a signal and can plan and enjoy your shoot

5. Hyperfocal DOF

Working out you optimal focal point can be tricky and so this app takes all the hard work out of it. You simply enter some basic details about your camera lens and focusing and the App will guide you on you achieved depth of field for your settings .

This is a great addition for any landscape photographer

These Apps are so good here is an additional Try 5 get 1 free!

6. Tides Near Me

Understanding the tide heights and tide times is essential if you are a coastal landscape photographer.

This App will allow you to see when the high and low tide times are going to occur as well as the height and recession of the tides for all major locations.

The links in this Blog do relate to the iPhone App system you will need to check if these are available for other platforms and you may need to pay.


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