Are Photography Competitions a good thing or a bad thing ??
This all depends what you are looking for
outlet for you work
feel good factor
support for a cause you value
These are some of reasons but you need to ask a couple of questions before you enter
Is it reputable
Is it value for money
Does it impact the rights and ownership of my image
Do I value the outcome
Will it achieve what I am looking for
I have found competitions vary massively and I tend to avoid competitions that require a fee as I would need to hand over bank details. I also tend to avoid salon accreditation competitions as I don't need their validation of my work and it always feel like if you spend £xxx on entry fees then you get four meaningless letters to use that in reality have little value. Generally don't feel the outcome value is proportional to the input cost.
I look for competitions that are free or have a prize or a charitable cause that I value or give my work suitable exposure in a public forum I value.
This as an approach has worked for me but you need to understand your boundaries and drivers.